Functional performance testing for professional athletes in sports like BJJ, MMA, rowing, and swimming evaluates both upper and lower body fitness. The tests help athletes understand their physical fitness levels and compare them to high-performance standards.
intense workouts.
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These tests include:
  • Muscle endurance: Measures power, heart rate, and oxygen use at aerobic and anaerobic thresholds, assessing endurance levels of different muscle fibers and muscle groups.
  • Cardiovascular System: This analysis assesses heart function, blood pressure, and blood oxygenation, giving a holistic view of cardiovascular health. Using advanced hemodynamic equipment, we also measure stroke volume and cardiac output for a more complete evaluation of heart performance.
  • Leg and shoulder speed and strength: Examines the speed and strength abilities and endurance of leg and shoulder muscles.
Based on test results, athletes receive personalized training and nutrition recommendations tailored to their goals and conditions, helping improve their health, fitness, and performance.
Functional Performance Testing (FPT), a holistic evaluation of an athlete's physical capabilities. This includes assessing factors such as strength, endurance, and cardiovascular health.
The FPT is conducted using specialized equipment, which includes a treadmill, cycle or hand ergometer, and an ECG monitor. Additionally, SPRI utilizes a Physioflow monitor to gain deep insights into an athlete's cardiovascular performance. SPRI measures a variety of factors to assess an athlete's physical abilities and performance potential. These include:
1. Muscular Endurance: This measures the ability of a muscle or group of muscles to sustain repeated contractions against a resistance for an extended period of time. 2. Functional Capabilities: These are the physical abilities that an athlete needs to perform in their specific sport or physical activity. This could include agility, balance, coordination, power, reaction time, and speed. 3. Cardiovascular Performance: This involves assessing the health and performance of the heart and circulatory system, often through tests like ECG and VO2max. These tests can measure heart rate, heart rhythm, and the maximum volume of oxygen an athlete can use during intense exercise. 4. Speed and Strength: These tests measure an athlete's ability to move quickly and their muscle power. This could involve sprint tests for speed and weightlifting exercises for strength.